Other Collaborative Partners
CommunityWorks associates with the following artists, consultants, musicians, and organizations who bring rich resources to CommunityWorks' work and clients.
Doris Klein, CSA - Artist. Doris is an internationally recognized artist and spiritual director who touches the soul of the group giving expression to it through her gift of art. Besides her professional paintings, cards and books, Doris is available to assist Religious Congregations in developing their Chapter themes, logos and the artwork for their final Chapter documents. For access contact: dorisklein@sbcglobal.net or visit her website: Doris Klein CSA - Contemplative Creativity
Marie Larkin - Marie is a member of the British Association in Art Therapy having studied at the University of London-Goldsmith College. Marie is certified as a spiritual director and has taught “Art and Spirituality” for the Institute for Contemporary Spirituality in Scranton, PA. She collaborates with Jan Novotka, songwriter, in giving retreats and she designs logos for Chapters. For more information see www.jannovotka.com.
Bob Anderson- The Leadership Circle (TLCP). Check his website for more information on his 360 Personnel Assessment and his leadership training programs.www.theleadershipcircle.com.
Dick Broholm and David Specht - Seeing Things Whole. Check their website for more information: www.seeingthingswhole.com.
Jean Holsten - Bread of Life, Sacramento, CA. In collaboration with the Centre for Contemplative Dialogue out of Louisville, KY, Jean supports individuals and communities in living with greater depth, authenticity and effectiveness through the practice of contemplative dialogue. For more information: www.BreadofLife.org.
Steven Wirth - Contemplative Dialogue. The Centre for Contemplative Dialogue supports individuals and communities in living with greater depth, authenticity and effectiveness through the practice of contemplative dialogue. His website offers information on training, facilitation and resources for download. For more information: www.contemplativedialogue.org.
Jan Novotka - Songwriter. Helping others recognize and connect to the Divine is where Jan’s giftedness lies. In addition to being a songwriter, she is also available as a retreat director, a wilderness/vision-fast guide, a spiritual director, a bio-spiritual focusing companion, and a leader of song for retreats, rituals, and Chapters. For more information visit: www.jannovotka.com.