What our clients are saying:
As we celebrate our 25th Anniversary we are asking clients to respond to these three questions:
In working with your congregation/province, in what ways did we assist in moving your congregation/province forward in addressing its significant issues/concerns?
What did you most value in our relationship with you and your congregation?
In what ways have you found our articles, newsletters or website accessible materials helpful?
Listed below are some of the comments shared:
"Donna is a masterful facilitator who is creative and bold in encouraging communities to stretch beyond their comfort zone; place themselves in a visible way at the heart of the world in service to the Gospel; act out of the essence of our religious life call; find ways of leveraging our potential and power through partnerships and collaboration. CommunityWorks is becoming a key partner in the creation of foundational shifts in the evolution of religious life!"
"Debbie has been very helpful in both the planning side with our Assembly committee, helping us see beyond what we know to what might be and with the Regional Community in facilitating our listening deeply and coming to a common decision and direction. We are currently in the midst of our Leadership Selection and discernment. Debbie has been very consistent with us, especially when we find ourselves 'stuck.' "
"We worked with Mark Clarke over three years on planning for our congregation's future in practical ways like use of buildings in relation to our separately incorporated schools on the same "campus," planning with our sisters on the future of assisted living (from the Motherhouse to a local facility), and other planning topics including the future of sponsorship. Mark came to some of our congregation meetings to facilitate this planning dialogue with our sisters. He provided for our leadership group a helpful, objective and organized approach to the multiple topics, questions and issues. Community Works got to know us, our context, what was working for us, and our planning."
"Your respect, your affirmation and encouragement. You created a climate of real trust which enabled us to receive appropriate challenge. We valued the superior facilitation skills that you brought to our chapter. Your articles are deeply aware of the reality, challenges facing religious congregations, and also the wonderful resources that congregations have to address these challenges. The Good Samaritan Sisters are deeply grateful to Community Works. We have benefitted greatly from the facilitation of Donna Fyffe and Catherine Schneider and the wonderful articles written by Debbie and Mark." --Patty Fawkner, SGS
"Guiding us through our pre-Chapter process and facilitating General Chapter. Provided multiple processes to assist us in going wide and deep, with openness and flexibility to adjust, adapt, change as needed on the way."
"You have assisted us tremendously! You helped us to see the bigger picture, to ask the hard questions, to have the courageous conversations and to move forward in faith and trust, leaning heavily on the promptings of the Spirit and the sisterhood we share."
"No matter when I read something from your organization, it resonated deep within me, striking a truth or articulating a reality I had not founds words for yet. For all that, I am most grateful."
"I value the honesty of feedback, the extensive preparation."
"We have always felt that you are a part of us-- not just folks doing a job but really desiring to know us well enough to see from the inside out."
"You have assisted us tremendously! You helped us to see the bigger picture, to ask the hard questions, to have the courageous conversations and to move forward in faith and trust, leaning heavily on the promptings of the Spirit and the sisterhood we share."
"I'm a friend from the early days of Debbie and Donna and I offer deep gratitude and high praise for work that was always grounded in contemplation, responsive to real needs, and professionally stretching." --Pat McDermott, Sisters of Mercy
"I valued the clear thinking, the ability to see the big picture and the willingness to enter into the inner conflicts of the congregation and the capacity to keep all in conversation."
"The wisdom and compassion, creativity, prayerful discernment and the practice of contemplative dialogue which helped us address multiple areas of our life as community in mission - over more than 13 years working with Donna and Mark!"
"Donna has a gift for listening and synthesizing what was said into language which is meaningful and to the point. She put words onto our musings which moved us forward. She was highly respectful of all the voices at Chapter while also focusing those voices into workable language for the processes we needed. Donna's depth of spirituality, as well as professional skill, was always evident. This itself was gift. The information available from Community Works, Inc. gave me a sense of the professionalism of your group. You provide up-to-date information and well-researched material from a variety of sources. Even though this is not my field of expertise I felt that I could go to those resources if I need more information.
Thank you, for a much-needed service as we attempt to move into the future with integrity and openness to what lies ahead in religious life today.
Gracias." -- Candyce Rekart, IHM
"Donna and Mark worked with us most of the time. I was impressed with their responsiveness to our needs, our ways and our charism. When suggestions they made seemed like a "fit" with what we wanted or thought we needed, we used them. When their suggestions didn't they didn't press them. It was, perhaps, THE most unifying General Chapter I can remember as well as the most inclusive."--Tarianne DeYonker, OP
"Donna, Mark and Debbie have been very influential in moving our Congregation toward a future we can embrace and share. They have worked with us for over 10 years...government committee, Chapter Planning committees, facilitating Chapters, exploring the direction of our Foundation...It is hard to imagine our future as Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati without the three of them."