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Publications are arranged chronologically with the most recent listed first.

Communal Discernment

by Mark Clarke, December 2017

We are collectively being asked to discern a future with both vulnerability and excitement in these times in order to seek God in the now. It is to dream while embracing the unvarnished truth of both the light and darkness of the moment.

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Collective Transformation in an Era of Change

by Mark Clarke, July 2017

Communal discernment is a profound and sacred collective journey. The goal is to enter into the mystery of God’s call for this historical time.

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Critical Connections and Emergence

by Deborah Asberry, May 2017

​The new technologies of global connectedness created unimaginable ways to connect people and ideas. Ideas emerge within and across networks rather than incrementally connecting person-to-person or expanding from a team to the larger organization. We are seeing how critical connections can impact the world on a global scale—for good and for ill.

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What If?

by Mark Clarke, February 2017

As a group asks the creative question ‘what if’, it catapults members collectively into the heart space. They enter into a three-dimensional discernment process that weaves together the past, present and future by gleaning wisdom from the past while embracing the moment, and thereby risking new possibilities.

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Three faces of Mary: Claiming the Archetypal Powers of Virgin, Mother and Queen

by Deborah Asberry, December 2016

It seems more relevant now than ever to take a deep dive into the stories of Mary the Blessed Mother and Mary Potter as a study of the Divine Feminine and her relevance in these times.

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Leadership in the Pioneer Community: Tending the Fires of the Collective Soul

by Mark Clarke, October 2016

The collective soul journey of the pioneer community is a profound journey of radical detachment, of saying good-bye to existing understandings of religious life and opening the communal soul to a yet unknown future. For this to happen, it is to allow the spiritual invitation to intensify the call to both individual and community holiness.



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